Printer Canon Berhenti Sejenak Setiap Kali Proses Print
Printer Canon Berhenti Sejenak Setiap Kali Proses Print | Baru baru ini saya dapat servicesan printer canon mp285 dengan permasalahan ketika proses print selalu berhenti lama dulu, jadi ketika printer diperintah print kertas bisa masuk seperti biasanya tapi head print berhenti bergerak beberapa saat baru proses print lanjut lagi, begitu juga lembar berikutnya setiap kali kertas masuk harus berhenti beberapa saat dulu. Sebenarnya masalah seperti ini selama printer masih bisa print tidak perlu kawatir tapi buat beberapa orang akan terasa risih dan merasa tidak enak kalau proses print selalu berhenti setiap awal kali print.
- Silahkan kunjungi juga artikel saya sebelumnya: Free Download Epson L3110 Printer Drivers - Download Epson L3110 Printer Driver.
Penyabab Printer Selalu Berhenti Saat Proses Print
- Dinamo printer atas bermasalah / rusak.
- Pelumas di rell rumah head habis sehingga berat bergerak kekanan dan kekiri.
- Catridge printer mengalami panas yang berlebih.
- Head atau chip konektor catridge kotor.
- Head atau chip konektor catridge tidak normal.
Head atau chip konektor catridge tidak normal. |
Dari kelima penyebab diatas yang sering menjadi penyebab adalah poin 3 dimana head catridge mengalami panas yang berlebih terutama pada catridge warna. Beberapa cara menanganinya adalah:
- Bersihkan chip konektor catridge.
- Kalau masih belum bisa ganti catridge dengan yang masih bagus atau normal.
- Kalau kita hanya butuh untuk print hitam saja maka ganti catridge warnanya dengan catridge yang masih normal dan tidak overhit walau hasil printnya tidak normal. Hanya untuk sekedar mendetek kan saja
Tutorial Dalam Versi Video Cara Menanganinya.
Tutorial Dalam Versi Videonya |
How to Handle Canon Printers That Always Stop During the Print Process | Valid For All Canon Printer Series.
Canon Printers Pause Every Time the Print Process - Recently I received a canon mp285 printer service with a problem when the print process always stops for a long time, so when the printer is ordered to print the paper can enter as usual but the print head stops moving for a while before the print process continues again, as well as the next sheet every time the paper comes in must stop for a while first. Actually, problems like this as long as the printer can still print, there is no need to worry, but for some people it will feel uncomfortable and feel bad if the printing process always stops every time it prints.
Causes the Printer Always Stops During the Print Process
Ok in this article I will share how to deal with printer problems as above. And this tutorial also applies to other series canon printers because it often happens to canon printers. The cause of the Printer Always Stops During the Print Process is usually because:
- The top printer dynamo is problematic / damaged.
- Lubricant in the head housing rail runs out so the weight moves left and right.
- The printer cartridge is experiencing excessive heat.
- The head or cartridge connector chip is dirty.
- The cartridge connector head or chip is abnormal.
Of the five causes above, which is often the cause is point 3 where the cartridge head experiences excessive heat, especially in color cartridges. Some ways to handle it are:
- Clean the cartridge connector chip.
- If you still can't replace the cartridge with a good or normal one.
- If we only need to print black, then replace the color cartridge with a cartridge that is still normal and not overhit even though the print result is not normal. It's just for detecting right?
Still confused .....? For more details, please watch the tutorial in the video version that I have uploaded on my YouTube channel. Please just click on the video tutorial below. Hope it is useful.
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