Error Code 031006 Error Epson L3110 L3150 L1110 | - Error Code 031006 Error Epson L3110 L3150 L1110 and other series that are still one generation for example Epson L4150 L4160 L5190 L6160 and many more. This error code is different from its predecessor series, namely Epson L110 L210 L300 L310 L360 and others, so the way to solve it is different.
This problem arises because there are several possibilities, so the solution is sometimes different for each case. And this problem has entered the technical realm, maybe for those who are still new to printer service technicalities, it may be difficult to solve this problem. We wrote this article with the aim of being useful, if you want to be directly handled by a printer technician, please contact a trusted technician in your city.
This problem arises because there are several possibilities, so the solution is sometimes different for each case. And this problem has entered the technical realm, maybe for those who are still new to printer service technicalities, it may be difficult to solve this problem. We wrote this article with the aim of being useful, if you want to be directly handled by a printer technician, please contact a trusted technician in your city.
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Error Code 031006 Error Epson L3110 L3150 L1110 causes include:
- The print head is damaged, it could be because the head is flooded with ink or the head is short in the module, if this happens the print head must be replaced because it cannot be serviced.
- The fuse head broke, this part is cheap in terms of price, but you have to pay attention to Error Code 031006 Error Epson L3110 L3150 L1110 the print head fish is really good or not, if this fuse breaks, check the condition of the head first before replacing. The way to check is to disassemble it and check that the cable socket is burned or splashed with ink causing the fuse to break.
- The mainboard has problems and has failed to service, the board repair process has been carried out but the problem is not resolved and there are still errors. If this happens, it is better to replace a new or second mainboard that fits your budget. We also have new or removed spare parts in stock, please contact our Admin team for stock availability.
- The head cable is damaged, usually because the printer has been around for a long time with regular use, for example, it is 1.5 years old or more. Another thing that might happen is that the head cable is splashed with ink or is flooded so that the cable will burn or burn.
Metode Mengatasi Kode Kesalahan Error 031006 Pada Printer Epson L3110 L3150 L1110
Kode Kesalahan 031006 Error Epson L3110 L3150 L1110 serta seri lainya yang masih satu generasi misalnya Epson L4150 L4160 L5190 L6160 serta masih banyak lagi. Kode error ini berbeda dengan seri- seri pendahulunya ialah Epson L110 L210 L300 L310 L360 serta lainya sehingga metode megatasinyapun berbeda.
Kasus ini timbul sebab terdapat sebagian mungkin, jadi solusinya terkadang berbeda buat tiap permasalahan. Serta permasalahan ini telah masuk ke ranah teknis, bisa jadi untuk yang masih awam dengan teknis servis printer bisa jadi hendak kesusahan dalam menanggulangi permasalahan ini. Kami tulis postingan ini dengan tujuan kebermanfaatan, bila mau langsung ditangani teknisi printer, silahkan mendatangi teknisi terpercaya di kota Kamu.
Kasus ini timbul sebab terdapat sebagian mungkin, jadi solusinya terkadang berbeda buat tiap permasalahan. Serta permasalahan ini telah masuk ke ranah teknis, bisa jadi untuk yang masih awam dengan teknis servis printer bisa jadi hendak kesusahan dalam menanggulangi permasalahan ini. Kami tulis postingan ini dengan tujuan kebermanfaatan, bila mau langsung ditangani teknisi printer, silahkan mendatangi teknisi terpercaya di kota Kamu.
Kode Kesalahan 031006 Error Epson L3110 L3150 L1110 penyebabnya antara lain merupakan:
- Print Head telah rusak, dapat diakibatkan sebab head kebanjiran tinta ataupun head konslet didalam modulnya, bila ini terjalin print head wajib diganti sebab tidak dapat diservis.
- Fuse head putus, part ini terkategori murah dari segi biayanya, namun wajib diperhatKode Kesalahan 031006 Error Epson L3110 L3150 L1110ikan print head betul- betul masih bagus ataupun tidak, bila fuse ini putus cek keadaan headnya dulu saat sebelum ditukar. Metode mengeceknya merupakan dengan dibongkar serta cek bagian soket kabelnya terdapat dibakar ataupun percikan tinta yang menyebabkan fuse putus.
- Mainboard bermasalah serta kandas servis, telah dicoba proses reparasi board namun permasalahan tidak berakhir serta masih error. Bila ini terjalin, lebih baik ubah mainboard baru ataupun second yang cocok dengan anggaran Kamu. Kami pula mempunyai stok sparepart baru ataupun cabutan, silahkan mendatangi regu Admin kami buat ketersediaan stoknya.
- Kabel head rusak, umumnya diakibatkan sebab umur printer telah lama dengan konsumsi teratur, misalnya umur telah 1, 5 tahun ataupun lebih. Perihal lainya yang bisa jadi terjalin merupakan kabel head terserang percikan tinta ataupun kebanjiran sehingga kabel hendak hadapi dibakar ataupun gosong.
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