Printer Canon IP2770 adalah seri printer terlaris dan banyak yang memiliki karena harganya cukup murah. Bisa dibilang printer 1000 umat karena laris manis di pasaran. Seperti halnya printer seri atau merk lain, Printer Canon IP2770 ini juga sering error atau mengalami masalah. Dan kali ini saya akan membahas dan membagikan tutorial Printer Canon IP2770 yang mengalami masalah ketika di pakai print putus putus. Beda pola putus putusnya beda pula penyebab dan cara menanganinya. Nah kali ini yang kita bahas adalah hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 putus putus tegak lurus dari atas kebawah.
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Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus |
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Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus
Printer Canon IP2770 kondisi headnya bagus juga nozzle checknya normal tapi Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 putus tegak lurus dari atas kebawah sering terjadi dan servicesan yang masuk ditempat saya dengan kasus seperti itu banyak sekali. Kita bisa lihat contoh model hasil print putusnya seperti gambar dibawah ini
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Hasil Print Putus Tegak Lurus |
Beberapa Penyebab Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus:
- Pita sensor encoder panjang kotor / rusak garis sensornya.
- Pembaca Pita sensor encoder panjang yang ada di belakang rumah catridge kotor
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Penyebab Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus: |
Solusi Mengatasi Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus.
Setelah kita tau penyebabnya maka kita tinggal cek sensor encodernya. Kalau kotor tinggal dibersihkan pakai isu. Dan kalau rusak garis sensornya maka ganti saja dengan yang baru / masih bagus.
Video Tutorial Cara Mengatasi Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus:
Beberapa video tutorial Cara Mengatasi Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus sudah saya buat di channel youtube saya. Ada beberapa penyebab dan cara Mengatasi Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus. Dan berikut di bawah ini video cara mengatasi Hasil print Printer Canon IP2770 Putus Tegak Lurus. Semoga bermanfaat
1. Cara Memperbaiki Printer Canon IP2770 Hasil Print Putus Tegak Lurus
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Video Cara Memperbaiki Printer Canon IP2770 Hasil Print Putus Tegak Lurus |
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Video Cara Mengatasi Printer Canon IP2770 Hasil Print Di Pinggir Tidak Rapi Putus Dari Atas Ke Bawah |
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Video Perbaiki Hasil Print Putus Vertical, nozzle check normal tapi hasil printnya putus |
How to Repair a Canon IP2770 Printer The Print Result is Broken Up Vertically From Top to Bottom | How to Overcome Canon IP2770 The Print Results are Shaded and Straight The Canon IP2770 printer is the best-selling printer series and many have it because the price is quite cheap. You could say the printer is 1000 people because it is selling well in the market. Like other serial or brand printers, this Canon IP2770 printer also often has errors or has problems. And this time I will discuss and share a Canon IP2770 printer tutorial that has problems when it is used for print breaks. Different patterns of breaking up with different causes and ways to deal with them. Well this time what we are discussing is the print result of the Canon IP2770 Printer breaking up perpendicular from top to bottom.
Canon ip2770 printer print results are broken vertically
The Canon IP2770 printer has a good head, the nozzle check is normal, but the print result for the Canon IP2770 printer is broken vertically from top to bottom, and there are a lot of services that enter my place with cases like that. We can see an example of a broken print model as shown below
Some of the Causes of the Canon IP2770 Printer's Print Results Drop Up Vertically:
- The long encoder sensor band is dirty/damaged the sensor line.
- Reader The long encoder sensor band behind the cartridge housing is dirty
After we know the cause, we just need to check the encoder sensor. If it's dirty, just clean it with an issue. And if the sensor line is damaged then just replace it with a new / still good one.
Video Tutorial How to Overcome the Print Results of the Canon IP2770 Printer Dropping Up Perpendicular:
Some video tutorials on How to Overcome the Print Results of the Canon IP2770 Printer Dropping Upright I have made on my youtube channel. There are several causes and ways to overcome the print results of the Canon IP2770 Printer Dropping Upright. And here's a video below on how to solve the Canon IP2770 Printer Print Results Disconnected Perpendicularly. Hope it is useful
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